Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Chalkboard Craziness!

Something I always have at home for what ever craft i'm working on is: 
Chalkboard Paint!

This stuff can be used for anything and on anything! You use it like normal paint, but when it dries, the object you painted become a chalkboard! You can buy it as paint, spray paint or...

Make your own in any color with just one cup of paint and 2 TBS grout!

It's so easy to use and so cute! I've seen it used for many different things.

Paint walls

On dressers

On back of chairs

On pantry and fridge doors, to make homemade chalkboards, calendars and labels! 
Another great idea I've seen is to paint the top of a kids table and the kids will be entertained for hours at party's and weddings!

There is so many ways to use chalkboard paint! What idea do you have in mind?

Monday, June 25, 2012

Hot Glue Guns and Crayons

Hey guys! Here is a fun craft to do for summer!

Most of you guys that have a Pinterest have seen the pin with crayons and a blow dryer on canvas, if not here is what it looks like:

All you do is hot glue crayons to a canvas, set your blow dryer on hot and let the crayons melt down the canvas. I tried this and it turned out super cool! But I wanted more of a design and a way to make it unique. After looking on a couple website I found this:

Used unwrapped crayons in a hot glue gun! You might want to consider buying a separate hot glue gun for the crayons because if you know you are going to make a mess, it will get all over. But if you can keep it clean, the crayon that sticks to the inside comes out with the glue (when you use your glue gun to glue again).  With this idea you can make so many designs! 
To make words or other designs, simply tape off where you don't want the crayon to go and before it dries all the way, peel it off! Super fun and super cute!

Have fun and make it unique!

Friday, June 8, 2012

A 'Cheesy' Earring Holder

Now I don't know about you guys but I always loose my earrings because I never know where to put them. Of all things, this cheese grater is what fixed my problem!

The directions are simple: Go to your local kitchen supply store and buy a cheese grater. The rest is up to you! Paint it, add stickers, get crafty with a sharpie, glue on some scrapbook paper, there is so many ways to make this idea your own.

Have fun with it!(:

An "Eggcellent" Invitation Idea

I had to share this super cute and super easy idea! 
 Poke a hole in both sides of the egg with a pin, blow out the yoke into a bowl, paint the egg, and stuff it with a note! (The box says "Crack Me")
This idea could be used many different ways for many different things!
Make it unique!

DIY Magnetic Makeup Board

My first blog post! Yay! I couldn't think of any other way to celebrate this occasion then to share this Magnetic Makeup Board craft with you!

The messiest place in my house is my bathroom counter because all my makeup is laying around. This is a cute and EASY way to get that makeup out of the way!

Start by making a simple magnetic board. 

  • Take a trip to your local hardware store and ask them to cut a piece of metal for you. 

  • Next, find an ugly picture frame that you won't mind painting (D.I. is the perfect place to look) and paint it. Spray painting works best but using a brush works great too.

  • Then, spray your metal with adhesive and cover it in a cute fabric that matches the color of your frame and put it all together.

  • The rest is simple! Hot glue magnets onto the back of your makeup. Depending on what kind of makeup it is, you might have to glue on multiple magnets.

  • Place your makeup on your finished board and your done! Another thing you can do is paint plastic cups (pharmacy pill bottles work great) and put magnets on the back to hold your brushes and other things you weren't able to put magnets on.

*Another, simpler, way to do this is paint a cookie sheet and hang it on the wall!

Keep in mind that makeup isn't the only thing you can use! I made one that holds spools of thread and needle packs for my grandma to put in her sewing room!

Be Creative!